Broadcast with CreaTV

Project Ember and partner CreaTV, local cable channel 22 in San Jose will produce a live broadcast of the Minecraft event that includes video interviews with sponsors, judges, and members of the community. We recommend livestream that will run from 12 pm to 2pm and feature one and a half hours of coverage of the Minecraft Fair and a half an hour live broadcast announcement of the winners.

San Jose's educational cable channel 30 has also agreed to carry the broadcast.

Virtual Science Fair Open

8 am - 8 pm
10 am - 1 pm

Design Challenge Event

Livestream Broadcast

12 pm - 2 pm


Project Ember will conduct a broadcast to accompany and tour the virtual venue, the design challenge event, interviews with Sciencepalooza sponsors and partners, and a live announcement and congratulations to all of the Sciencepalooza winners. The broadcast can be carried over the Sciencepalooza! Website or Synopsys Outreach Foundation’s social media accounts such as YouTube or Facebook Live. The live internet stream broadcast of Sciencepalooza! is intended to bring a much wider audience to the virtual event, and attract new sponsors and partners who will be featured during the broadcast. Our partners at CreaTV have also expressed interest in rebroadcasting up to two hours of the Sciencepalooza! Livestream to it’s San Jose cable TV Channel 30 audience. Project Ember will also provide a short “recap” video that can be hosted on YouTube or rebroadcast on CreaTV’s local cable TV Channel 30.
  • Live check-ins on the Minecraft design challenge
  • Live tours of the 3D Minecraft Sciencepalooza! venue
  • Skype/ zoom interviews with sponsors and partners at their virtual "booth" in Minecraft
  • Virtual awards ceremony
  • Live feed provided to CreaTV for live broadcast
  • Synopsys Community Foundation will receive an edited version for the broadcast for inclusion on YouTube/ social media & rebroadcast on CreaTV's cable channels.
Estimated cost ~$XXXXXX [REMOVED this site is archived]