A science community celebration

in a virtual 3D environment

virtual student exhibition spaces at


A massive online celebration of science!

design challenges


Project Ember will create a virtual 3D venue on our Minecraft server that will represent the Sciencepalooza! fair and its sponsors and partners. Following the spirit of ISEF fairs’ commitment to inform, educate and inspire, we will bring together the community, students, and their families, as well as teachers, sponsors, and stakeholders in this virtual space. Project Ember will also provide up to 30 temporary Minecraft accounts at 50% of the retail cost for science fair participants who do not have their own existing accounts to use at the event. Students who already own Minecraft can participate by joining through their registered zfairs account. The Minecraft Virtual Fair 3D “world” itself will be available to download after the Sciencepalooza! Event and will be available to students, their families, teachers, and the community throughout the event and downloadable via the Sciencepalooza! website for one year. Project Ember will also provide a short video tour of the 3D space that can be hosted on Synopsys Outreach Foundation’s social media.

Minecraft Accounts

Project Ember will provide up to 30 Minecraft accounts at 50% of the retail cost to any student participant registered through Zfairs. Minecraft account requests can be made available to logged-in participants through Zfairs.
Students who wish to participate with existing Minecraft accounts will not need to request an account, and may simply join the server.

Up to 30 accounts at $XX ea.
Additional accounts $XX ea.

School provided accounts (Minecraft Education Edition) do not work with our JAVA based server, and are not recommended.

A Grand Virtual Venue

Project Ember's Minecraft Team will pre-construct a world in Minecraft featuring a grand virtual venue representing the 2020 online Sciencepalooza for students to visit in Minecraft. This world will feature Synopsys and Science palooza identity as monuments, novelties, and celebrations of the sciences. The world will also serve as a location for a science fair themed Minecraft design challenge.

  • Branded locations for Sciencepalooza! Sponsors and partners
  • Downloadable Minecraft files can be distributed after the fair through the Sciencepalooza website and/or zfairs.
  • Video tour for download or archive/ul> Estimated costs for developing the world: $XXX
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