Experienced Design
Project Ember has developed a social-emotional curriculum in our summer overnight and day camps. At our camps, students learn to use real power tools to create huge and amazing works of art and engineering.

While building go-carts and rideable dragons may capture student interest upfront, it is our program of empowering one another and reliance on teamwork to accomplish an otherwise impossible goal.

Safely building these amazing projects requires an engaged and safe learning community and environment. By emphasizing and creating learning habits with well researched social-emotional goals and strategies, our students are present and ready to take on any challenging project.
With the arrival of a global pandemic, our summer camps were unable to run in person, and we have converted our teamwork/ leadership and social-emotional skills-building program to digital platforms. Online learning presents enormous challenges both in educational technology and in re-framing and building the classroom environment in very new ways.

Partner with Project Ember to help your staff develop safe and warm classrooms where online learning is engaging and students can accelerate success by working together.